Chanting Celebration

With Leah Hokanson and Gary Paterson

March 2, 2025

Date and Time Details: Sunday, March 2, 2025 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Chapel

Address: 2371 Arbot Road, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

  • CAD $15.00 – I need a little help with the price
  • CAD $20.00 – Actual class price
  • CAD $25.00 – Pay it forward

Since time immemorial, humans have gathered in spiritual communities to sing and chant together. Community singing is, in essence, community building—opening us to our sense of shared humanity, and to Spirit, Source, the Divine (whatever language you choose) through voicing a common purpose and intention together.

Leah Hokanson will lead a monthly Contemporary Ecstatic Chanting gathering. The chants are “Diamond Chants”—original musical compositions, written by Leah, to be accessible to all regardless of singing ability.

Playfully referred to as “ecstatic pop,” Diamond Chants blend the simplicity of the chant form, the wisdom and inspiration of ecstatic poetry, and the eclectic groove and tunefulness of popular music, including jazz, R&B, pop ballad, gospel, funk and world music. Lyrics are drawn from both original texts as well as wisdom teachings from many spiritual traditions, including such luminaries and mystics as Rumi, Hildegard of Bingen, Hafiz, Walt Whitman, Julian of Norwich, Kabir, Thomas Merton and others.

We invite you to visit to hear a variety of Diamond Chants recorded with a community choir.

About the Teachers

Leah Hokanson

Leah Hokanson

Leah is a lifelong adventurer of music, sound and listening—as a group facilitator, community choir leader, pianist, improviser, singer/songwriter and certified sound healing practitioner. She is co-founder (with Lynette Jackson) of Sound, Belonging & Wholeness, offering programs that explore vocal sounding and intentional listening as portals to Presence, healing and transformation. She also directs the […]

Learn more about Leah Hokanson

Gary Paterson

Gary Paterson is a Former Moderator of the United Church of Canada from 2012 to 2015. He was the first openly gay person to take the post since the church was formed in 1925 and the first in the world to lead a major Christian denomination. He earned two degrees in English literature and became […]

Learn more about Gary Paterson

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